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ADN Informatique

Consultant Ingénierie Informatique

Saguenay (Jonquière), Québec, Canada. Tél: (581) 683-9887 Téléc: (581) 221-0874

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Web 2.0 optimisation

2007-09-15 14:29:47 (ID: 4, Parent: 0, Type: post)
Here are some web 2.0 optimisation tricks
80-90% of end user response time is spent on the front-end. so optimize there.

14 Rules for a Better User Experience

1. make fewer HTTP requests
2. use a CDN
3. add an Expires header
4. gzip components - even JS and CSS
5. CSS at top
6. JavaScripts to bottom
7. avoid CSS expressions
8. make JS and CSS external
9. reduce DNS lookups
10. minify Javascript
11. avoid redirects
12. remove duplicate scripts
13. configure Etags - disable in most cases if load-balanced or multiple web servers
14. make AJAX cacheable
Source: James'World

Document Informatif

ADN Informatique


Rev. 1

Jean-Luc Cyr