Saguenay (Jonquière), Québec, Canada. Tél: (581) 683-9887 Téléc: (581) 221-0874
RetourCompilation unicode avec visual c 5
2005-01-15 14:34:10 (ID: 16, Parent: 0, Type: post)from Linking errors Why the linker does not find "_WinMain@16 symbol, when you build an MFC application with UNICODE ? faq116-481 The linker generate the error: Error LNK2001: '_WinMain@16': Unresolved External Symbol ID: Q125750 CAUSE MFC UNICODE applications use wWinMainCRTStartup as the entry point. RESOLUTION In the Output category of the Link tab in the Project Settings dialog box, set the Entry Point Symbol to wWinMainCRTStartup.
Document Informatif
ADN Informatique
Rev. 1
Jean-Luc Cyr